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Title: BIOGRAPHY - An ordinary life story


ISBN: 979-12-80515-07-0 PRE-SALE


BIOGRAPHY - An ordinary life story

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  • “Here appeared, from the still blank screen, the beginning of my film. I recognized all the characters, among the many there was also me, and for the first time I was a spectator of myself and my thirty-two years old just turned. I felt my cheek streak with a new tear: no sadness, no, it was just my very personal thanks to Life or perhaps to its mysterious sense that was now showing itself in front of me. I made myself comfortable and looked. "
    The first thirty years of the life of a boy who has known the most powerful emotions are transformed into an unpredictable novel, where hope is the absolute protagonist and the heart an eternal value to be preserved.
    A true story that crosses life, death and rebirth with the awareness of a new existence: here is Luca's “Biography”, here is a new way to question everything. A debut full of emotions for an author who wrote his life without discounts.

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